What we offer
Cutting-edge technologies
Great experience in developing commercially successful projects
Great experience in developing commercially successful projects
Exceptional quality
Wide range of services
Individual approach
& fresh ideas
Wide range of services
Individual approach
& fresh ideas

Cutting-edge technologies
Great experience in developing commercially successful projects
Exceptional quality Wide range of services
Individual approach
& fresh ideas
Great experience in developing commercially successful projects
Exceptional quality Wide range of services
Individual approach
& fresh ideas
Mobile App
Java Server applications

Order a Project
JavaEE, Spring, Hibernate, JavaME, C++, ATL, WTL, MFC
& Web design
Why Ukraine
- Ukraine is among the 5 world leaders in export of software products
- Ukraine is among the 30 leading countries in the field of IT-outsourcing
- Ukraine is the only country in Eastern Europe that has got to the top 25 countries with the best system of higher
education (rating was made by The global network of research universities "Universitas 21") - Ukraine is ranked 4 place in the world by number
of certified IT-specialists - Each year, Ukrainian universities graduate
about 16,000 specialists in IT sphere.
Availability of qualified, certified specialists
in combination with a wealth of experience
proportionate to the demand of the world market,
has provided Ukraine with a powerful potential.

Our team

Software Quality
We put serious attention to quality of our product. We have dedicated QA department, and fair number of devices available for testing, including smart-phones and tablets (IOS, Android, Blackberry and Win Phone powered).
Our team has wide software testing experience from simple applications to complicated cross-functional ones to offer our Clients the best software quality assurance services.